Have You Experienced Trauma and Continue to Struggle in Your Relationships?
Are you struggling to cope or move on from a traumatic experience, such as neglect or physical, sexual or verbal abuse, and continue to have difficulties with relationships? Perhaps you are currently in an abusive relationship or recently got out of one, and you’re struggling to cope with anxiety and sadness related to low self-esteem, grief and abandonment. Does it feel like there is an emptiness in your life that you’re unable to locate or understand? Even when things are going okay, do you often feel unhappy or unaccomplished, wondering why you feel that way and where that dissatisfaction stems from? Do you wish you could be rid of worry, feel satisfied with your life and be accepted by others?
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) has a significant impact in your capacity to foster relationships and feel stable. People with complex PTSD often experience difficulties with depression, insomnia, flashbacks, processing emotions and maintaining trusting and lasting relationships. They can also experience constant fear, dread and dissociation.
Many Survivors of Trauma Experience Complex PTSD
Complex PTSD, which not only accounts for the typical symptoms of PTSD, but also encompasses the effects of symptoms on relationships, is incredibly common among people with a history of multiple victimizations. For instance, many people who were battered or sexually assaulted as children didn’t receive the help they needed when the events were happening, and continue to experience long-term effects of the trauma. Although these issues can be very difficult to talk about, they are becoming more recognized and visible. There are also more resources available for people to get help. Treatments for PTSD or Complex PTSD can help you better understand how your trauma influences your emotions and behavior. Once you’re able to bring compassion to your patterns and understand where they stem from, leading a healthier life becomes possible.
Complex PTSD Treatment Can Help You Live a More Balanced Life
Therapy can help you understand the impact of your trauma. You can learn new ways of articulating your thoughts and expressing your emotions so that you can feel more confident and authentic in social situations. Therapy explores your relational difficulties and can help you gain insight on how your trauma has influenced those difficulties. We will practice coping techniques that you can utilize when you feel overwhelmed by stress or sadness and will help you develop empathy for yourself and others. You can increase your capacity to acknowledge and express how you’re feeling and nurture your inherent bravery and resilience.
We offer a compassionate environment in which we work collaboratively to address your concerns. Over time, we gain more understanding of the meanings associated with your trauma so that you have more power in situations when you’re feeling removed or triggered. Core Psychotherapy Center has therapists who are experienced in working with survivors of relational trauma.
With the help of an experienced therapist and a willingness to engage in the therapy process, you can feel more balanced and understood. You can process your trauma, learn healthier ways to engage in relationships and begin living a life that is productive, stable and joyful.
Although you can see the benefits of complex PTSD treatment, you still may have questions or concerns.
My trauma happened a long time ago. Why do I need therapy now?
If you experienced trauma early on in life and continue to have difficulties in your relationships, sleeping at night, triggers, anxiety or depression, CPTSD counseling can help you gain an understanding of how your trauma has influenced the relationships you create and the person you are today. With help and guidance from a compassionate and knowledgeable therapist, you can begin to engage in healthier behaviors and finally process the trauma that has been keeping you in unhealthy patterns and relationships.
I have already explored my trauma with other therapists. I don’t want to go back to that dark place.
If you have seen other therapists, we are interested to know what you explored with them, what the benefits were, and what you learned from them. We are also curious to explore if your trauma was really processed, and if so, why you continue to experience symptoms and problematic patterns in relationships. It takes a lot of courage and shows tremendous resilience to seek out help and form a new relationship. If you continue to suffer and be in pain, we want to help you understand why those feelings continue to come up.
How long does PTSD therapy take?
We know that what you’ve been through is very painful, and many patients prefer to hurry through trauma therapy. But, therapy is not about how fast you’re able to narrate your past. It’s about understanding your emotions and the emotions of others more authentically. We will pace ourselves and will talk through things as they come up. If you’re committed to healing and processing your deepest pain and fear, calling us is the first step and one that demonstrates courage and tenacity. We are aware it can be very difficult to commit to coming into therapy, so we will work collaboratively toward goals of better functioning and improved relationships.
Treatment of Complex PTSD Can Help You Process The Impact Of Your Trauma
If you are a survivor of trauma, we invite you to call Core Psychotherapy Center at 847-240-5080 to discuss our practice or make an appointment. We offer individual therapy and also facilitate groups for survivors of relational trauma.
Ready to embark on your journey towards healing?
Contact us today to schedule your appointment.